Before we launched our creative studio, we were primarily a multi-media publication with a passion to bring consecration to 7 primary areas of the human experience.
Enjoy a discussion with Birmingham-based artist, Gina Hurry, about the healing power of beauty, yellow butterflies and Aslan’s embrace
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“We desire to possess a beauty that is worth pursuing, worth fighting for, a beauty that is core to who we truly are. We want beauty that can be seen; beauty that can be felt; beauty that affects others; a beauty all our own to unveil.”
— Stasi Eldridge, "Captivating"
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“Artists love without reservation. They give their hearts completely and leave nothing on the table. They are naked and unashamed. They leave no room for pretension. And because they have given all of themselves, they live without regret.”
— Erwin Raphael McManus, The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Art
our purpose
God has placed a desire deep within your heart.
But we know pursuing a God-given dream can be difficult.
That's why, through offering an array of Spirit-led services, we're here to help you fulfill your destiny.
If we can all start successfully pursuing our God-given dreams, we will ignite an end-times revival that looks like a modern-day Renaissance.
This Renaissance will involve everyday entrepreneurs, writers, artists, dreamers, and makers fully consecrating their hearts to the Lord as we make ourselves ready for His return...
To inspire and embrace those who do not yet know Christ through our creativity and commitment to excellence, paired with His grace-filled compassion.
The Holy Spirit is our Guide, Counselor, Coach and Friend. Discover how to partner with Him to develop your dream business idea and birth it into reality.
feeling stuck in your creative calling?
Are you seeking to glorify Christ in their creative pursuits but struggling with fear or procrastination?
We have helped countless writers, creatives and entrepreneurs and would love to help you do the same through a complimentary strategy session.